Meet the Class of 2025

Sahra Ali
Former Math/Science Writer, Scholastic and Communications Lead, Vermont Humanities
Seward, Alaska

Sandeep Amar
Founder,; Former CEO, Indian Express Digital; Former CitiGroup AVP
New Delhi, India

Hemant Arora
TikTok, London
London, United Kingdom

Liza Bright-Watson
Gentry Locke Attorneys
Roanoke, Virginia

Luis Duarte
Co-Founder and CEO, Amoofy
Denver, Colorado

Rhydhi Gupta
Analyst, The Quantum Hub
New Delhi, India

Pamposh Raina
Journalist; Head, Deepfakes Analysis Unit, MCA
New Delhi, India

Malcolm Westbrook
Founder and CEO, Mable Software; Former Zillow Offers Advisor
Arlington, Virginia